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Stratosphere-troposphere Processes And their Role in Climate (SPARC) - WCRP CRF - June 2021
1 Stratosphere Troposphere Coupling
TMWYF: Using Climate Models to Understand Stratosphere-Troposphere Interaction (Jessie Oehrlein)
45 Quantifying stratospheric biases and the role of stratosphere-troposphere coupling - Amy Butler
Tiffany Shaw: Stratosphere-troposphere Coupling: Connections to North Atlantic Weather and Climate
SoMAS / ITPA - Robust Diagnostics of Stratosphere-Troposphere-Exchange in GEOSCCM
Introduction to the Stratosphere
Atmosphere |Troposphere|Stratosphere|Thermosphere|Mesosphere|Exosphere||Role in Climate Control
GISS Seminar, 2021-02-10: Daniela Domeisen
atmospheric levels of freons with potential for both ozone depletion & global warming
WCRP Climate Research Forum - South America - Day 1